
Myoukizuka is named after the legend of Umewaka Meishou. In the middle and legend of Umewaka Heian period, children Umewaka YoshidaShoushouKorefusa Shinobunotouta who kidnapped and taken to the oshu, suffering from heavy illness, abandoned this ground, died. It is a narrative of mother searching for her child, came to this earth and informed of the death of in along the Sumida River from village, hair down, Myoukini and Hermitage was made. Your resolution is "Sumida River" this legend based on has been created. Are considered relative to this Myoukizuka, and on the opposite bank of the Sumida River, within the Mokuboji (Sumida, Tsutsumi-Dori), named after the Umewaka Umewakatsuka (city historic sites)

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